What does coaching look like with you?
I offer 1:1 and group coaching programs customized to fit your needs. At the start of the program, we establish a curriculum of topics to cover over a set number of sessions. I recommend that all new clients start on a weekly or biweekly basis to build momentum. We meet for an hour by video call, and I also provide asynchronous support in between sessions via messaging. I assign homework! My goal is to not only to help you achieve your current goals but also to equip you with the meta-level tools to coach yourself, so that you increase your capacity to take on even bolder and thrilling endeavors in the future. Once the initial program is finished, I offer follow-up packages for tune-ups as needed.
What are examples of topics you've coached on?
• I feel stagnant at my current job. But there are a lot of risks to changing jobs. Help me figure out what I really want to do...
• I've decided to take a sabbatical. I'm both excited and terrified. Help me navigate this new experience and make the most of it...
• When I first started this job, I loved the core essence of my work, but thanks to a combination of factors, I'm now burnt out. How do I recover? How do I not burn out in the first place? What personal beliefs and habits led me here? How do I fill my own cup and show up differently to advance systemic change in my workplace?
• Being a woman or other under-represented minority in STEM. ('nuff said)
• What if I don't see my dream job reflected in the market? Do I have to settle? (Psst..definitely not.)
• I think I want a career in food. But I'm not sure what kinds of jobs are out there and what would be a good fit for me...
• I've started my own research group, start-up, small business, (fill in with whatever entrepreneurial venture you're undertaking). I know I wanted this, but the anxiety is persistent and overwhelming. Help me tap into ease at work and cultivate a vibrant personal life.
I've never worked with a coach before. How do I know if I need coaching?
No one needs coaching. But do you want coaching? For some aspects of my life, at certain times, I want someone who holds me accountable to my dreams and who challenges the negative stories I love to cling to. What about you - what do you want?
What are your coaching credentials?
I have 10+ years of mentoring early career folks in the food industry. At Harvard, I was a leader of SEAS InTouch, a peer advising group supporting engineering graduate students. I'm a graduate of the Harvard Peer Coaching Initiative and have hosted webinars on graduate research in collaboration with the Harvard Academic Resource Center. I have learned immensely from coaches including Judy Hu, Kara Loewentheil, Michelle Kevill, Kasia Urbaniak, and Shirzad Chamine. I hold a BA in physics and PhD in mechanical engineering from Harvard University.